Interesting things at WACA
WACA has some special programs we have done or are doing this year:
- Student Leadership Opportunities
- Student-to-Student Respect and Relationship Training Program
- Drama Team
- After-School Basketball Training
- Special Choir
- Chimes, bells, and Advanced bells Music Program
- Scientific Training in Creationism
- MAP testing individualized student plans in math
- Community Service Student Opportunities - a very fine program
- Special student-targeted after-school tutoring in math and science
- Training in Interpersonal Relationship Principles
- After-school Volleyball Training
- Character Training
- Praise Team - Training and Performances
- Safety Education as part of grades K-4 Physical Education Classes
- Computer Coding
- Student Training in Yearbook Production
- Student Yearbook Photography
- Music Fest Trip to Kansas City
- After-School Care
- Several-Day Eighth-Grade Class Trip
- Sixth-grade Environmental School Trip
- Two teachers with doctoral degrees
- Pastoral Counseling available for students if requested
- Qualifying Financial Assistance Plans
- New upgrades to the building and equipment